Wednesday, August 11, 2010

elephant talk-indie music fest

AC was awesome!  Lots of great music, great people.  Alex Vans and Adrian Hardkor sounded fantastic, to name a couple, and Jerry Ryan kicked butt putting everything together.  We played at La Grande Fromage and had great response, thanks everyone for watching our set!  We'll definitely make it out again next year, if things fall into place.  (And assuming we can find a babysitter for our new youngest member.  Yes, Tini, we may have to make him an honorary pot & pan banging, singing & wailing baby musician.  It just might have to happen.)

I have pics!  But can't figure out how to download them on my new computer without crashing it yet.  Sigh.

Great show, thanks again everyone, band and otherwise, for all the hard work and awesome rockin' outness.

~ a

Friday, August 6, 2010

Off and running (well almost)

We all took off this lazy summer afternoon from work so we could rehearse one last time before our big New Jersey debut tomorrow!

We're apparently playing at the "Boneyard Stage" -- sounds ominous around noon time.  Due to some last minute shuffling, this means we'll be leaving DC around 5am tomorrow (UGH!). What to do though, got to beat that beach traffic.

More about our adventure once we return. See you in AC!